Monday, September 18, 2006

Declaration of Independence from Mr. Pippin

Preamble- We the people of Lucatamia declare our independence from Mr. Pippin. We feel we deserve our independence becuase we have set up our own constitution and follow our own laws. We are fully able to take care of ourselves without his power ruling over us.

We believe that all men deserve equal rights and opportunities, that includes living and starting an independent nation of our own. We believe in the unalienable rights of men and this is one of them. This is a pursuit of happiness.

-Too much homework
-he unfairly grades our notebook
-even if we do our homework but don't write it down he gives us C's
-he gives hard tests
-he makes glue everything into our notebooks
-he gives so much classwork one can never finish and then has even more homework than the already ton he has given

We the class of 3A has told him that he gives too much homework yet he still does it. We have also tryed to reason with him about his tests, yet he still gives hard tests and quizzes.

The people Of Lucitamia declare that we are a free nation. We no longer are associated with Mr. Pippin.

Everyone in the nation signed the declaration. It is officially set.

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