Sunday, September 17, 2006$370665$367142.htm$370668$367142.htm

Lucatamia is fully prepared in case of an act of terrorism directed towards our nation. If an attempt of terrorism is found out about we will completely shut down and ground all airplanes and contact cities where incoming planes are coming from to stop the flights. Our homeland security is watching and tapping into wires of any suspicious countries for any details or threats. If a threat is taken we are not afraid to arrest or search. We also have a special police force that is ready for any attack. They have stations set up around the nation and also have trucks that can race to any emergency. If we are caught by surprise and do not pick up on the attack, we will be 100% ready to distribute aid to our citizens. We also will not stand for terrorism. We have a zero tolerance for it. We will find out who did it and will destroy them. We will bomb their country and send troops to demolish them, although, if it is only one group we will devote most of our time and money to find and capture them. We will have a group that has although the equipment and knowledge that will devote all time to finding these terrorists. They also will not be let off easy. We will show the world that you cannot mess with Lucatamia. We will follow after President Bush’s footsteps and not let other countries attack us without justice. There are also many things that we will be doing inside of our country. Our borders will be tightly monitored. No one will be let in without a background check, passport, birth certificate, and a valid identification. We will not allow members to board planes without a background check. We also will thoroughly check all bags taken on board as well as the bags that are being checked. Along with that security we also will have an armed guard aboard every flight coming into or out of our country. This will insure that no one is able to hijack a plane. To insure bombing does not occur within the country, every vehicle entering must drive through a check. It also must be pulled over and checked thoroughly by hand. We will protect ourselves from terrorist attacks and insure they do not happen. We are capable to figure out any plots. Like the British if there is a plot we will find it out and arrests the suspects before they can enter on a flight towards and in our nation. Although we are so confident we will catch terrorists before they attack us we are also aware we cannot stop everything. Therefore we are ready to act when the situation arises. We will make sure number one that our citizens are ok and get the attention and help that they would need. Secondly we would alert everyone and be one the look out for anything suspicious. Then thirdly we would find who did it and make them and make sure that justice is served. This is a warning that if anyone comes after us you will be very sorry.

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